Letters to the One to Come - 25

Dear Ẹniìfé, 

Do you remember when we were younger and wished to be adults to avoid chores and get double portions of everything served in the house?

Do you remember when you wished you could start making your own money even though you were still a child?

You remember how you had to progress from one class to the other before you became an adult, right?

You probably also know about how babies have to sit and crawl before walking. 


I am sure I have elicited some memories right now.

Ẹniìfé, there is a gift in starting small and watching your efforts grow and build up.

Life, as I have illustrated, is in phases and no one becomes all he is in a day.

The story of the caterpillar is an inspiring one I like to recall each time I have to go low to build something.

The caterpillar usually starts out unattractive and tiny, but the beautiful butterfly it evolves to become is worth the process. 

Learn to have the patience to watch anything grow from scratch until it becomes what you desire.

Every good effort you admire today began from somewhere.

The good relationship you envy; the career you admire; the wealth you covet, they all had beginnings and most of them weren't so great.

Learn to start small and follow the process!

Let's say you find me and you know me for who I am as your partner; you don't start by discussing wedding colors on the day we meet.

No, you learn to build; precept upon precept. 

That is how a foundation is made strong.

Even the scriptures advised not to forsake the days of small beginnings.

Anyone who can't handle little tasks won't make headway with larger responsibilities. 

Beloved, to become, we'd have to first be willing to start.

It won't all be clear, definite, sure, or even defined but we'd have to start.

Even to finding each other, we'd have to begin somewhere. 

I will write again.

All my love, 

Rebekah. 🤍

PS: I have an Important Announcement!!!

Recall we said that from the 25th letter, we will stop publishing here because we have a beautiful compilation we're working on. 

Yes, we didn't forget. 

Your journey with Letters to the One to Come only ends here if you allow it. 

Our compilation is set to be released in a couple of days. This step is small but it means so much to us. 

Believe me, you are about to fall in love over and over again on this beautiful journey. You definitely don't want to miss this ride!

Shhhh... don't tell anyone.  But you're the first to have a sneak peek at our ebook cover. 

Lovely, right?🥰🥰

Well, you might be wondering why you should be interested... guess what? **drum rollllssss**  

I am having one of the best poets in Nigeria contribute to the compilation. 

Honestly one of the best.

Nothing short of that, believe me!

You are single and need to find love yeah? Got you!

All you need to do is sit back, relax, and anticipate the release of this beautiful compilation ebook on February 14.

I promise to communicate the price of the ebook as soon as possible.

Thanks for always riding with us!


  1. I honestly can't wait to read the ebook and I promise not to tell anyone. Nice cover tho.


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